Sorting gear at Kluane Lake
Approaching our route
Peter on the start
Stan and Peter
Bivy #4
This was day one, waiting for the temps to drop
Little mixed fun!
Stan feeling tired
The crux
More mixed goodness
The summit behind Stan
Near the top of our ridge
Our ridge started bottom left and climbed up right to the very obvious sun shade line upper right of photo. see bottom photo for rest of route. Our high point was the top of the wide snow ridge (HubSew Ridge) which we then descended and traversed around to HubSew peak and came down the south west face of HubSew. The ridge that we climbed gained 4,500 ft. and was unclimbed, our descent down the HubSew ridge and face was also a first and we believe that it may offer a better option than the very long East Ridge. The point of climbing a mountain is to stand on top and in that we failed, but what a great climb with great friends!Just a quick trip report, in June Daniel, Stan, Peter and I made the 38 hour drive north to the Yukon. Our goal was to climb Mt. Logan, Canada's highest point and the second highest in North America. We failed, here are some photos.